Load and Stride
The player loads by slowly transferring their weight on the inside of their back foot. The hands move above and slighly back beyond their back shoulder. The player then strides to the inside of the front foot as their hands stay up, back, and in behind the back shoulder. The player's feet should be evenly balanced and their front shoulder should be underneath their chin. The head will stay out over the feet to retain an athletic position.

Athletic Starting Stance
The player sets up in an atheltic position. The feet are pointed slightly inwards a little more than shoulder width apart. The knees are slighly bent. The front shoulder is somewhat close to underneath the chin. The head is out over the feet. The front arm is close to a 90 degree angle. The back elbow is up but slightly lower than the shoulder and even with the side of the body. The hands are above the shoulders and the knocking knucles are aligned.

Heel Plant
Upon the stride, the front heel comes down, the back heel comes up, and the hip rotation starts. As this process happens, the back elbow slots to the side keeping the hands inside and up. The front arm stays flexed so the hands stay inside the ball. The knob stays pointed towards the contact point as the hands stay in front of the bat head. The chin stays down towards the ball. The head will stay out over the feet to retain an athletic postion.

Contact Point
At contact point, the back foot, belly button, and top hand are aligned. The back elbow remains slotted to the side. The arms are still flexed with the back arm close to 90 degrees and the front arm a little more than 90 degrees. Top hand is palm down, bottom hand is palm up. The barrel should be to the inside of the ball and on the same plane as the shoulders. The chin is down and the head is out over the feet to retain the athletic position.

Upon extension, the front leg is firm or locked. The back leg is flexed and aligned with the back hip and back shoulder. The back heel should be high with the toe pointing towards extension. The back shoulder is underneath the chin which is still down through contact and out over the feet. Both arms are at full extensiont. The hands remain palm up, palm down.

At the finish, the front leg remains firm or locked. The back leg remains flexed and aligned with the back hip and back shoulder. The back heel should be high with the toe pointing towards the extension point. The back shoulder is underneath the chin which is still down but following the ball. The hands finish high on the front shoulder. The head is out over the feet retaining the athletic position through the finish.