Athletic Starting Position

The base runner gets her lead and is in a low athletic position. Her hips and shoulders are square to the batter. Her weight is out over her feet and on the balls of her feet.

The base runner drives both legs directly to the base. Her body remains low and parrael to the ground. She continues extending her arms to the base as her hands are flat and light on the ground. Her hips and shoulders are remain square to the base. The head is up and the eyes are on the base.
Reaching The Base
The base runner reaches the base with her right hand on the far corner away from the throw. Her body is at full extension while continuing to move forward on the ground. Her head is up and starting to rotate away from the ball.

Pivot/Cross Over

The base runner pivots her left foot directly to the base as her right foot crosses over pointing to the base as well. Her body remains low as she gets in to a position to start extending her arms to the base. Her hips and shoulders are square to the base.
The base runner continues driving both legs directly to the base. Her body remains parralel to the ground while moving forward and lower to the ground. She continues extending her arms to the base as her hands slide flat and light on the ground. Her hips and shoulders are remain square to the base. The head is up and the eyes are on the base.
The Finish

The base runner completes her drive and extension to the base as her right hand remains on the corner of the base away from the throw. Her body comes to a rest and her head is up and completely rotated away from the ball.