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Athletic Starting Position

The catcher sets up in an atletic position. The feet are spread just inside the shoulders for balance. A good target is given with a nice flexed arm. The throwing hand is positioned behind the leg protecting it from a foul tip.

Middle Block/Weight Transfer

As the ball is on a downward plane towards the dirt, the catcher starts to get in to a blocking position by first rolling her shoulders out over the feet getting foward momentum.

The glove starts to rotate to the dirt with the fingertips transitioning from up to down. The throwing hand gets in front of the body. Chin works down towards the ball.

Middle Block Finish Positioning

As the ball hits the dirt and bounces up, the catcher rolls her shoulders so her chest protector is directly above the ball. Both elbows are tucked in to the side to create a wider position. The glove is to the dirt with the throwing hand behind the glove for protection. The glove never moves towards the ball. It is positioned to protect the area between the legs from the ball going through. The feet are kicked out directly behind the body. The chin is to the chest.

Athletic Starting Position

The catcher sets up in an atletic position. The feet are spread just inside the shoulders for balance. A good target is given with a nice flexed arm. The throwing hand is positioned behind the leg protecting it from a foul tip.

Outside Block/Weight Transfer

As the ball is on a downward plane towards the dirt and outside the catcher, the catcher steps and pivots her ball side foot. Both feet push to get her body outside the ball and square to the plate. She starts to get in to a blocking position by first rolling her shoulders out over the feet getting foward momemtum. The glove starts to rotate to the dirt with the fingertips transitioning from up to down. The throwing hand gets in front of the body. The chin works down towards the ball.

Outside Block Finish Positioning

As the ball hits the dirt and bounces up, the catcher rolls her shoulders so her chest protector is directly above the ball. Both elbows are tucked in to the side to create a wider position. The shoulders are square to the plate keeping the ball towards the plate. The glove is to the dirt with the throwing hand behind the glove for protection. The glove never moves towards the ball. It is positioned to protect the area between the legs from the ball going through. The feet are kicked out directly behind the body. The chin is to the chest.

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