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PRACTICE 4 Focus: Agility, Pitching/Catching, Catching/Throwing Fly's, Base Running, Hitting
Agility Warm Up (10 Min)
This agility warm up is performed with their glove tucked
Player starts at the top and shuffles to their left or right
Once outside the cone, player back pedals to the second cone
Once past, player drop steps and sprints to the centered cone
They immediately go to the ladder as described below
Repeat and alternate shuffle directions

Catching/Throwing/Fly’s (15 Min)
Players start throwing to each other
Knee wrist snaps with glove
Throwing from the knees
Regular throws starting close and slowly move back.
Add a competition for fun having the players attempt to throw into a bucket from 10-12 feet
The focus is on elevating the ball with a proper release point and wrist snap
Stay athletic when receiving moving the feet to the ball
Attempt to catch every ball in the center of the body
Coaches toss short fly balls directly to the player using a tennis ball
Focus should be catching ball above the shoulder finger tips up
Player’s left foot should be forward when catching if possible
Encourage the player to communicate “ball”, “ball”, “ball”
Start with short fly balls and progress higher as appropriate
Review Infield Dailies (15 Min)
Have a coach review each daily
Split the team in to 3 groups again (assuming you have 3 coaches/helpers) and have them feed dailies to the players
Base Running (20 Min)
Running with proper mechanics
Running on the balls of the feet
Elbows in, arms pumping
Head up looking at the base ahead
Running through the first base bag, touching the front of the bag and breaking down
Rounding first base touching the inside of the bag going to second
Picking up the 3rd base coach when going to second
Lead offs emphasizing a step, step, shuffle, shuffle
After a proper lead off have the player work on diving back to the base
After a proper lead off have the player sprint to the next base
Hitting (45 Min)
The player sets up in an athletic stance
Feet positioned straight or slightly inward with weight on the inside
Feet are positioned just outside the shoulders with equal weight on each
Have the player just get to contact for 5-7 reps
At this point, the back foot and belly button should be pointed to the contact point​
The back arm should be close to a 90 degree angle
Next, have the player get through contact and to extension for 5-7 reps
Have the player focus on making contact with the inside of the ball which forces the knob to the ball
At extension, the back shoulder should be underneath the chin which is down ​
At extension, the barrel of the bat should be facing the pitcher
Move the tee to the middle contact point and have the player take a full swing
Make necessary adjustments to a player’s swing
Soft Toss
Coach kneels to the side and slightly in front of batter
Coach slowly tosses the ball to batters strike zone
Batter swings through with focus points above
Short Front Toss
Coach pitches from 8-10 feet away sitting on a bucket
Keep focus on proper mechanics
Make necessary adjustments
Review Sacrifice Bunts
Have the coach review the proper fundaments of a sacrifice bunt
The player sets up in an athletic stance with feet opened up towards pitcher
The bat starts at the top of the strike zone
The bat stays as close to eye level as possible using the legs
All pitches above the bat, the bat is pulled back
All pitches in the strike zone, the legs get the bat to the ball
The players arms are flexed and upon contact a small push can be made to the ball
Bat is slightly angled for placement down 3rd and 1st
Pitching (20 Min)
Wrist snaps restraining pitching arm shoulders stay isolated
L Drill
Glove pointed to target
Body is open with glove shoulder facing target
Pitching arm is straight up with ball
Feet are positioned at a 45 degree angle towards target
Back heel starts raised
Player takes a small step with the front foot
Then the back leg drives towards the target
Back knee finished close to front knee
Glove arm and pitching arm drive down together
Wrist snap to target
Knee Arm Circle (Right Handed Pitcher)
Right knee is on the ground at a 90 degree angle to the target
Left leg is extended to the target
Glove and front shoulder are facing target
Pitching arm is elevated above and out over the body
Player starts by driving the pitching arm down in a circular path
The ball is snapped toward the target by the hip
Full Motion
Feet are shoulder width apart
Knees fully bent
Back is straight
Glove arm is at 90 degree with glove opened towards pitcher
Throwing hand is behind back
Glove arm stays flexed and out in front
For an inside pitch, upon catching the ball the catchers thumb is up
For an outside pitch, upon catching the ball the catchers thumb is down
For a high pitch, upon catching the ball the catchers palm is down
For a low pitch, the catcher receives the ball finger tips up
Feet are kicked out behind catcher
Body/Chest is over the ball
Shoulders are square to the plate
Glove is positioned on the ground between legs
Throwing hand is placed behind the glove to protect it
Chin is to the chest
Goal is to have the ball hit the chest and drop straight down towards the plate
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