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PRACTICE 6 Focus: Competition Day! Catching, Throwing, Footwork, Hitting
Agility Warm Up (10 Min)
Player starts in the middle facing the coach with feet moving in place
The coach points to a cone and the player sprints and touches the cones and returns to the middle with feet still moving
The cones can be picked randomly and in no particular order
Do this for 5-6 touches
Player shuffles laterally right and left around the outside of the cone with glove tucked
Stationary feeds to a player with no glove
Have player get into a proper fielding position and roll balls directly to them so their feet can stay stationary
Focus is on getting the player into the proper fielding position and reaching out for the ball with their glove hand palm facing the ball and throwing hand over the glove hand
Roll 3 to each and rotate
Catching Competition (15 Min)
Warm up by tossing balls to players in various locations
After a good warm up, toss each player from a comfortable distance 10 balls
Award a player 1 point for a ball that touches their glove and 2 points for a catch
Reward players with a prize (i.e. a small piece of candy)
Agility Competition (10 Min)
Player starts at front left cone with their glove and shuffles laterally to the right in an athletic position
Once past the front right cone, the player sprints forward until past the cone ahead
Once past, the player shuffles to the left
When the player reaches the front of the ladder, they move forward with quick feet stepping one foot in each
When player exits the ladder they use the proper footwork to enter the second ladder breaking down into a fielding position and extending the glove to the ball
Hitting Competition (30 Min)
Athletic stance with no stride approach
Feet positioned straight or slightly inward with weight on the inside
Feet are positioned just outside the shoulders with equal weight on each
Position the tee and the middle contact point and have the player take a full swing
Focus on staying athletic through to extension with chin staying down
Have the player take a full swing finishing high at the shoulder
Move the tee to inside and outside contact points
Make necessary adjustments to a player’s swing
After a good warm up…
Set up a series of cones in front of home plate 10-15 feet out
Players setup at home plate
Have the players take 10 swings off of the tee
Award a point for every ball that clears the cones on the fly
Throwing (15 Min)
Players continue to throw to coaches
Knee wrist snaps with glove
Regular throws starting close and slowly move back.
Add a competition for fun having the players attempt to throw into a bucket from 10-12 feet or through a hula hoop
The focus is on elevating the ball with a proper release point and wrist snap
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